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Quiz n Test

Online Group Classes For
A Specific Goal

Online Class
We support students to achieve specific goals with focussed group classes. We prepare student to improve performance in competitive exams (SAT, MAT, IBPS, NAPLAN, O Level , A Level and many more ...). With our expert tutors and online practice tests students achieve their specific goals.

A tutor can launch his own course through Quiz n Test and Student can enroll in any course open for registration

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Contact : +91-9007779401 for Free demo class.

Courses Open For Registration

Currently No Course is Open For Enrollment

Who uses Quiz n Test For Group Classes


Tutors, who wants to conduct online Group classes and have passion of teaching can join Quiz n Test as Tutor. Tutors who are passionate about joining the journey with students in reaching the Goal. This not only give them satisfaction of teaching but also give them sense of achievement by helping students in achieving their Goals.


This is Focus group of students with specific purpose. Like minded students can join for preperation of a exam. Students who are prepearing for exams (SAT, NAPLAN, BPSC etc) can join Quiz n Test. A dedicated expert tutor is allocated to group to achieve students shared goal. Our online test supports the preperation.


Why to choose Quiz n Test For Group Classes


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